PinkPanda DeFi: 7 Day Summary — A Big Thanks To Our Community

3 min readJun 5, 2021

A look back over the past 7 days — Our Community Has Grown Tremendously

We launched PinkPanda Finance seven days ago, with a small team of people based all over the world — ranging in age, background, and skills, but united by a burning desire to bring something truly new to the Binance Smart Chain. Since then we’ve been tremendously successful. And we don’t mean our market cap, though that has of course been skyrocketing. We’d like to single out what we believe is the greatest reason for our success thus far and moving forwards: our community.

I’m guessing you, the reader, are at least tangentially familiar with the BSC cryptocurrency ecosystem. It’s not so great. Pump and dumps abound, most projects are so sketchy the founders remain anonymous rather than publicly associate with the project, and most “communities” (to the extent that they can be called communities) simply consist of paid shillers and “wen lambo? wen CMC? wen moon?”

Our community, on the other hand, are a group of astoundingly curious and proactive OGs who are always helping. We’re a small team and are largely focused on building our mobile app, and our community has stepped up to fill in the gaps: active Instagram promotion, a Reddit presence, a well-run Discord server, introductions to YouTubers in their native countries who want to interview us, etc. It’s been a beautiful and humbling experience. If there is something we don’t have time to do, the odds are that a community member is already doing it.

Nowhere is this more apparent than in our Telegram chat. Come and check it out. You’ll see pandas discussing everything under the sun, churning out memes like machines, eagerly helping new members understand the project, and shilling like each panda is equivalent to 100 Bonfire bots.

Screen Previews of the PINKPANDA App V1

Our App V1 Has Launched a few Hours Ago 🚀

If you haven’t already, please download our mobile app V1, which has just launched on IOs and is due to launch on Android any moment.

Our initial release is in order to get our platform on as many phones as possible — the early app will let you check your PinkPanda position and value. We will rapidly be releasing additional community based enhancements, starting with the ability to vote and to have notifications pushed to the user.

Overall, it’s just been wonderful. We have no doubt that this is the beginning of something great. Something new, and special, and transformative. And we’re really happy that you’re riding along with us.




$PINKPANDA is a yield-generating cryptocurrency with a charitable twist, building a sophisticated leveraged DEX for the BSC community.